Movie Production Assistance

What We Do

The Tahzeeb Foundation team is involved in the production of a wide range of films, from major studio releases to art-houses and both independent and world cinema titles. We handle the publicity of a film during all the stages of its life, right from unit development to theatrical distribution, home release to international launch and roll-out. Our staff is skilled in building campaigns through print, broadcast, online and social media.

Our organization offers ‘Movie and TV Serial Making’ Services to our clients as well. Our creative professionals provide complete assistance at every stage of the film’s making. We are a one-stop destination for all kinds of film related services and we strive hard to make films that influence a large number of people. Our expertise lies in making different types of documentaries, short films, ad-films, corporate films and ten-minute educational films.

While we handle the ongoing national & international campaigns, we also have a strong presence in major Indian states. We also undertake Public Relations for film festivals.

Our dedicated online publicists create tailor-made campaigns, both as a part of an overall campaign or a stand-alone online specific campaign.

Recent Activities

Line Production Assistance With Viniyard Films
Lucknow Mahotsav
Taj Mahotsav
Kanpur Mahotsav
Jhansi Mahotsav
Khadi Mahotsav
Moradabad Mahotsav

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